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Sakura Nagashi

"Sometimes to learn how to fly, you first need to learn how to fall."

0 · 1,012 views · located in The Depths

a character in “Beyond the Guise”, originally authored by Scra, as played by RolePlayGateway



"I won't. I can't. I'm not. What is that? Why do you keep bringing yourself down, before you even try?! The only limit you have is your own doubt, and once you get rid of that. There is nothing you can not do!"

[ [url=link to theme song]Theme song name | then artist[/url] ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #6CCFF7 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #7BCDC9


      Sakura Nagashi

      Naga; This is a nickname his Adoptive Mother came up with when they were younger. She always calls him this to get Sakura's attention...he misses her voice the most.

      Sakura the Dragon; This is how all the gods address him in the Depths, this stems from the fact that Sakura is the reincarnation of the Dragon god.

      God of Weather; Yet another formal title from the Depths, this is aimed more at his powers than species.

      Blood God; Sakura can hear the people of the Depths whisper this to one another, whenever he is around. It makes him cringe just hearing it. Though Sakura has yet to realize the true darkness that hides behind this title.

      Yatogami | Legendary God of Weather & Water



      Chinese Dragon; Legendary creatures in Chinese mythology and Chinese folklore. The dragons have many animal-like forms such as turtles, fish, and imaginary creatures, but they are most commonly depicted as snake-like with four legs. In yin and yang terminology, a dragon is yang and complements a yin fenghuang ("Chinese phoenix").


      50% Icelandic | 50$ Japanese

Scars are like fragments of your memory. Some are very small, so small that you could easily forget them. And others are long and jagged, those are the ones that can not be forgotten.



      Human Form; 5'7 ft tall
      God Form; 6'2 ft tall
      Dragon Form; 70 ft long

      Human Form; 130lbs
      God Form; 148 lbs
      Dragon Form; 24000 lbs

      Before entering the Depths, Sakura donned hair as black as night. It wasn't very long, seeming rather plain to be honest. But in the Depths his black hair has turned a beautiful raven blue. Growing in great length it now reaches his neck, right above his shoulders. It has acquired a soft texture making it feel like water running through your fingertips; weightless like clouds. Still it is a challenge, because of its long length it often frames his face, hanging precariously in front of his eyes. This forces him to, at times, pull it back into a ponytail though it doesn't last long. In his Dragon form he has a turquoise mane, holding the same texture as the previous style. Stretching all the way down his back, it thins the farther it descends, than forms a massive tail at the end.

      In the Human world Sakura had dark brown eyes, that could be easily mistaken for black. But once entering the Depths, his eyes had became his most beautiful features. The other gods always stare for a bit because of how unique they are. His orbs are the brightest of icy blue, with dark ringlets of blue around it. With silted pupils, they are always blazed with emotion, and whenever he uses his godly abilities they start to glow. As a dragon his pupils are round and are no longer a vibrant blue, but a sharp grey-green close to the color of grass.

      Entering the Depths, Sakura's skin turned an almost pale coloring, rather than its usual slightly tanned appearance when he was human. When in his dragon form his scales are a shining smooth sliver.

      As a Human Sakura wasn't exceptionally gorgeous. Having an average build he wasn't amazingly athletic,but could do a decent amount of things. His height and weight gave him a few stares, but not much. His skin was slightly tanned, and he had jet black hair along with dark brown eyes.His hair was short and easy to maintain, which he enjoyed greatly. Still, despite the lack of uniqueness Sakura possessed, he was still content with the averageness of his physique.

      Now as a dragon god, just like the others, Sakura's appearance has changed. No longer lacking in strength,, Sakura has a lean figure, though still not tremendously muscular, his physique has greatly changed. Sakura now moves with a sinuous grace much like the waves in the ocean or the clouds in the sky. Such activities as running, jumping, or climbing come as second nature to him and his lithe figure permits him to slip into small spaces with ease. He always seems to keep his posture at a -if not perfect- normal position, making others somewhat intimidated at him but also in awe of his beautiful appearance.

      His skin is now a smooth and nearly flawless pale color, though if you look close enough you can see the hardness to it that resembles dragon scales. Along with his teeth that seems to have became pointed, resembling a small animals. His height had spiked up to a 6'2 and he has gained some pounds, though not much.

      His hair that was once jet black is a beautiful raven blue being as smooth as water and as light as clouds. The length has also grown making it a hindrance for Sakura, as it now frames his face, hanging precariously in front of his eyes. His eyes though have became the brightest of icy blue, with dark ringlets of blue around it. With silted pupils, they are always blazed with emotion, and whenever he uses his godly abilities they start to glow.

      When in his dragon form, Sakura transforms into a beautiful silver dragon; an animal commonly associated with rivers and water in Japanese culture and mythology. His dragon form is that of a typical Eastern dragon, with a long snakelike body, deer-like antlers, flowing whiskers, sharpened teeth, and a lupine face. In this form, he has smooth silver scales with a turquoise mane. Even though Sakura is only a beginner he seems to have the ability to interchange between human and dragon forms at will, though the consequences are heavy.

Hope is what keeps you going, hope keeps you focused on the future, and this continued focus helps you push through the unhappiness.



      ✦ Optimist ✧ Unpredictable ✦ Stubborn ✧ Spontaneous ✦

      Sakura has a bright, cheerful and laid-back demeanor, never being seen heavily stressing about anything. Even on the rare occasion when something does make him uncomfortable or worried, he simply brushes it off with a light laugh and moves on. In a sense, he’d be the ultimate definition of an optimist, as he acts freely and takes everything in strides, being able to find something good in absolutely every occurrence. His words, his meaning, his actions, his gazes, and his feelings are much like the clouds that could be seen but could never be grasped.

      Everything he does seems to be viewed as undefinable and unquantifiable. His notions of right and wrong are skewed in a direction that many had described as unfathomable. The preferences he presents are those rarely ventured and tried. It is why he had been described as an unsolvable riddle. There had been people who took the chance to unravel him, but he simply is a puzzle meant never to be decoded.

      It also adds to the point that he has little regards to other people's opinions. He would take suggestions, advice, comments, criticisms, ideas, and the sort without the air negativity or rejection. Actually, he is a great listener to the degree where he could recall each word, tone, gesture, and expression done when it was spoken to him. However, he would just put those at the back of his head and does what he likes which is to do it his way. There is also his lack of decorum and the impertinence to manners and etiquette. He had noted it to be restricting and disrupts his personal style.

      Sakura is the kind of man who acts based on his own liking. Yes, he would be ordered to do certain errands. He would even be given a responsibility to do a specific task. Yet, he would always find a way to do it in his own, unnatural way. Despite his dictated shortcomings, it would be wrong to consider him shallow or a good term, idiotic. He is quite quick with his words especially when giving out reasons for the things he does. If one takes it as face value, one would be annoyed but when thought about it carefully, it does absolutely make sense.

      It's why that there is more to him if properly motivated. There's order and precision in the mess he produces. This indicates that he has a sharp mind and a rather great insight about the events happening around him. Although, this would be thrown out the window the moment he does something, if one would be easily swayed. It's because he acts without much forethought and is the kind to do things with spontaneity. Many had described him to have no fear facing danger or revels in his complete recklessness.

      In summary, Sakura is someone who could be considered foolhardy but one could not help but think twice about his intentions as there is always something underneath that carefree streak of his. He is like the wind that anyone can feel but, never hold. Though one must be careful, cause as the wind, it will attack harshly if provoked.

      Food - Sakura is basically constantly consuming food. He says it’s because he uses to much energy from talking that he needs to refuel. In fact, talking to much does cause Sakura to feel drained, and he’s basically constantly thirsty. Food helps, especially if it contains lots of sugar.

      Storms - Others find comfort in teddy bears, their loved ones, lullabies, and so on... For Sakura, he feels at most serene in the middle of a storm. There is just something calming about the raging winds, heavy rain, clap of thunder, and the glare of lightning. The chaos it produces is truly devastating if one does not avoid it, but the silence it exudes reminds him that this is simply a cycle to allow for a new life to blossom.

      Puzzles - Despite Sakura being a very active person, he does enjoy his share of puzzles and riddles. It has been a habit since he was a child to solve at least one puzzle, riddle, crossword everyday.

      High Places - If anyone would look for him, he could usually be seen hanging around at a rooftop or lounging at a tree branch. He likes the feeling of being at such great heights. This is not because he wanted to feel superior or anything along those lines. To him, it is the only place where nothing else mattered, not even himself. It feels that nothing exists but the comfortable silence. More importantly, few people tend to look up which leaves him mostly alone and undisturbed.

      Outdoors - Buildings just do not do it for Sakura, and he much prefers to be outdoors ninety-nine percent of the time. Be it in a tree or simply under the open sky, he likes nature and weather. He has never been an inside person.

      Felines - Sakura dislikes any and all breed of cats. Despite the large consideration being that cats are graceful, Sakura finds them anything but, much preferring canines. While he does not begrudge others who love the creatures, he rarely will stay in the same room as one of the beasts, and will exit should one be brought into his company.

      Chocolate - While Sakura does have a sweet tooth. He detests all flavors of chocolate. Milk, Dark, or White, he refuses to touch the stuff, and often cannot even handle the smell.

      Restrictions - Sakura isn't one for rules piled upon rules. He can't help it. Whenever he feels like he has been given to many rules, he gets this empty feeling in his stomach, resulting in him discarding every one, and doing his own thing.

      The gods - Despite Sakura's ever so happy demeanor, he can't help but hate the fact he has this creature inside him. He isn't at all okay with the idea of some foreign thing trying to take away his free will.

      Rumors - Sakura isn't the person for false tales. He wants the truth and only the truth, as he has been lied too, to many times for him to count. It just bothers him and his trust for a person will never be healed. It's very disliked. It doesn't matter whether he's being lied to or someone else is being lied to it is still wrong.



      Photographic Memory - There are some things Sakura can do well, and some things that serve Sakura well. One of those things happens to be a photographic memory. He need only glance at something once, even if it's for a few seconds, and be able to recite every detail about that object. Whether it's a phone number, a picture, detailed descriptions of a baking recipe, he will memorize it down to the last detail.

      Charisma - There is something inherently likable about him, something unassuming and mild and somehow bright. He draws attention without ever intending to, because there is something about him that draws others like moths to a burning flame.

      Flexible - Despite not being physically strong, Sakura makes up for it in being extremely flexible. It also helps him get out of tight spots and reach items that would otherwise be unreachable unless things were moved around. Regardless, if there is a spot in which most people can't fit, you can be guaranteed that Hiroaki can.

      Jack-of-all-Trades - In a gist, he is well-versed in various daily skills and even others that can be deemed highly unlikely. His reason for knowing and capable of doing such abilities is the fact, he was taught at a young age to always be prepared and to be independent as much as possible. So, there is little he cannot do in terms of human capabilities. Of course, his expertise is mostly on basic applications.

      Enhanced reflexes & Hand to Eye coordination - Video games, odd jobs and frequent combat have trained Sakura's reflexes to ridiculous levels for his age. Able to balance pens on his finger tips with enough effort and dodge attacks from an untrained opponent. Sakura is the kind of guy who 90%of the time, always hits the center of an archery target, or the person who ends up catching the ball majority of the times its launched in his direction, regardless of speed and time allowed to prepare himself.

      Stubborn - Once he’s made up his mind, it is incredibly difficult to sway Sakura from any course of action he has chosen to undertake. It’s easier to change his opinions, though not by much. His actions, though… good luck with that. And majority of the time this is what gets him into a lot of trouble.

      Moderate Intelligence - Just because he can memorize doesn't mean he understands what it means. Sakura isn't a genius in most things, he just knows how to fake it. He's very street smart and knows how to handle social and monetary situations better than most people he knows... he's also a rather philosophical guy, up for talking about the bigger questions in life. However, when it comes to mathematics, historical reference, multiple languages (other than Japanese and English), etc. He can be rather idiotic... and often times he may make a fool of himself.

      Carefree - Sakura isn't one to take things seriously when they need to be taken seriously. Often displaying a rather laid back attitude, and at times this can get him into trouble.

      Impatient - Being the ball of energy that he is, Sakura, in all actuality, is quite impatient. In fact, being idle for even 10 minutes is pure torture… no wonder he was constantly in trouble for doodling in class.

      Friends - They bring out the weakest state in him whenever they are hurt. He can't concentrate knowing that a friend of his is hurt. No matter how small the injury. If they are hurt, they are hurt and he hates that.

      Ailurophobia - To some this might be ridiculous, but to Sakura this is a serious matter. He has a great fear of felines. He tries to hide this irrational fear by avoiding the problem as best as possible. Though whenever he does have to face his fear, he will often go into hiding hoping the beast will either pass him or just disappear altogether.

      Achluophobia - Basically the fear of the dark. It isn't like, Sakura is afraid of turning the light off or anything. But is absolute darkness that scares him to death.

      Losing loved ones - Grief is a horrible thing, he hates experiencing loss. That being said, he's quick to grow fond of someone.

The things I can do..frightens me. I fear the power that is growing inside of me, and the monster trying to overtake me.



      Sakura has the ability to manipulate weather. With this power, Sakura can sense, create, shape and manipulate weather, creating rain, wind, hail, lightning, snow, sleet, fog and temperature changes. He can generate these powers in as large an area as he wishes. This power also enables Sakura to manipulate the main components of weather; Air, Electricity, Thermal, and Water. The manipulation of weather has capabilities other than just creating storms. He can control the individual aspects of weather, such as creating lighting, for offensive and defensive combat.

      Now there are some setbacks to Sakura's abilities. Because of how unstable his powers are, he must be careful, because his powers are greatly emotion-based. The more riled up he is the more power is used. He also has moments of light headedness when using his powers, and it results in him having sudden spills where he will either pass out or lose balance. Also, if he uses his power past his limits, he could seriously harm himself.

      Air, Earth, Fire, and Water. The main four he can control. He can create them, shape them, and manipulate them. They all come in handy. He usually uses water for healing, air for searching for things and enhancing his speed, earth to create or destroy certain land forms in or out of his way, and fire as a more defensive ability. But, these reasons aren't the only things he could do. It's just what he decided when discovering these abilities. Because, he could do much more but, decided against it. It wasn't who he was. And of course with each element there comes a sub-element he possess, of course he doesn't have the abilities to use them yet.

      Even though Sakura uses his abilities in their basic forms, there are still things he must watch out for. Just like his other powers he has to be careful, because his powers react to his emotions. He has to keep them in check or they could burst out of control. He must also be careful not to become careless with these powers, as if he lets his guard down he is able to become possessed by Yotagami.

      This is a very minor ability. Sakura is able to interchange into his dragon form at will. Though he only uses this ability during dire situations.

      Though the consequences are rather harsh. It causes him extreme pain whenever he shifts as his bones must break, re-shift, and re-shape, which takes a moment. At times when he shifts he passes out during the process because of the pain.

      Sakura inherited Yatogami's weapon, Nora, it is a long silver katana with the handle wrapped in white bandages, the bandages still extending loosely to the blade. It has the capability to adapt to his abilities, and at some points enhance them. Sakura at the same time enjoys, yet fears the sword as he can feel the god's powers run through it.

Memories warm you up from the inside. But they also tear you apart



      Selfoss, this town is located on the southwestern coast of Iceland. It is the major town and the administrative seat of the region of Southern Region. In this day, during December 4, Sakura Nagashi, was born on a snowy day. A healthy baby boy, Sakura was a bundle of light for the newly widowed, Kimiko Nagashi. Despite the happiness over her child, the events leading up to his birth were anything but pleasant.

      Due to her job, Kimiko had to move from Japan, her birth place, to Iceland. There she met Magnus Gabriel, who she fell in love with. It wasn't long when the couple got married, and only months later Kimiko was pregnant with a baby boy. Life was grand, then tragedy hit. Unexpectedly, Magnus died in a car accident, two months before Sakura's birth.

      Even though Kimiko loved her child, the grief piled with the new child, Kimiko couldn't handle all the stress, so she resorted to drinking. The drinking got worse and worse each year, to the point she could no longer hold down a job. She would just sit at their little apartment while Sakura went to school. Sometimes he would return home to find that she wasn't there. At first Sakura felt scared and overwhelmed, but soon he adapted. Cause she would always come back a day later.

      Until one day she left and never came back. Sakura was six at the time, and was returning home from school. Entering the apartment, he saw that his mother wasn't there. But Sakura didn't worry as she always came back. But a day turned into two, than three, than on the fourth he knew. But maybe Sakura already knew from the start. It wasn't like she hid it well, from her avoiding eye contact, to her slowly piling suitcase upon suitcase into her small car. Sakura should have realized, so he should be okay with all this. It was to be expected, so he didn't cry. Instead he smiled, he just smiled blankly.

      After five full days of absences and no phone calls, a teacher from Sakura's school arrived at his apartment. There she found the small boy sitting in the apartment alone. Shocked, she asked where his mother was, and he answered, "She left." And this is where his story begins.

      At the age of six, Sakura was put into foster care. There he became a natural carefree child. He had an active imagination, but he did have some problems. he would often wander off, so as punishment he spent a lot of time inside. But he was fine, he still found ways to enjoy himself. At times people would come in to discuss his Mother, but Sakura was always quiet. He would never express how he felt about the day his Mother disappeared, it was as if it never existed.

      Due to his unbeatable cheerfulness, it wasn't long until Sakura attracted the eyes of a woman, Sakura Masaomi, she was a traveling scientist and was currently in Iceland for research. It was right than she adopted Sakura, making him a part of her family. The time after that seemed like bliss for Sakura, getting to travel the world, seeing new and exotic sights. It was when he turned eight when they finally settled in Japan, Tokyo.

      Now eighteen years old, Sakura has grown up to be a healthy boy with a few close friends. He was looking forward to his upcoming high school graduation. Planning to go abroad to a university in America, for a scholarship in Science. So the day him and his friends were sucked into the book was unexpected. The warm light, the burning pain, and this new world. And that is where his new story begins...


      Role; Father || Name; Magnus Gabriel || Age; 22 ||Status; Dead

      Role; Mother || Name; Kimiko Nagashi || Age; 26 - Est. 38 ||Status; Disappeared

      Role; Adopted Mother || Name; Sakura Masaomi || Age; 37 ||Status; Healthy & Well

      Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ✦ Yato | Noragami || Haku (Dragon) | Spirited Away

      Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ✧ ઽ૮૨Α

      character basic form © aurei
      modified form ઽ૮૨Α
      edited, modified form Luna Delta; ઽ૮૨Α

So begins...

Sakura Nagashi's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryou Fujimoto Character Portrait: Allure Character Portrait: Fūko Character Portrait: Houjo, Shihori Character Portrait: Sakura Nagashi Character Portrait: Yuuki Hana
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"Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning, just as forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future... But not everyone sees it that way.

Murder, deceit, pain, anger... These are all temporary cures until one must accept. One must heal.

Maybe it was fate when the young teens opened that book and fell into our world. The Depths. In blinding light, they had dissolved and become part of it. They had intertwined their ancient pasts with their modern lives, which is where we begin.

The land was coated in a fine, white powder of snow, the beauty of the landscape breathe taking as the teens stood on the fresh snow covered flowers. A meadow of pure eternity, some would say. The teens? Well, they had undergone a metamorphosis of their own.

At last, the 'heroes' have come!

And of the Gods being deceived? And the truest victim of all?

The Goddess of Ice and the God of War decided to embark on a stroll, the God of Misfortune, the God of Temptation, and the Goddess of the Sun and Moon staying behind within the village grounds, going about their day. "

The First Day


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryou Fujimoto Character Portrait: Houjo, Shihori Character Portrait: Sakura Nagashi Character Portrait: Yuuki Hana Character Portrait: Jin Himura
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  1. by Anonymous

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The day had started normally, Yuuki had gotten up and showered in the hottest temperature her body could withstand, then had gone out to the backyard to practice her shooting. Her groupings were fine, but she was off today and it bugged Yuuki as she polished off her breakfast and finished last night's homework. She had a project due and was meeting with her partners after school today, it was for a final grade but their topic was something so boring that Yuuki figured it would take all of their brainpower to figure out how to make this an interesting presentation. Yuuki grabbed her school bag and slung it over her shoulder, adjusting the bow on her uniform before running out the door to meet the bus. "Shit, I'm gonna be late." Yuuki checked her watch and began to run to the street corner where she hoped the bus would still be waiting. Yuuki reached it just as the doors were closing and the driver opened them back up to allow Yuuki onto the yellow monstrosity with its pungent smell of student body odor and broken green leather seats. Yuuki sat down on a bench that was not occupied and closed her eyes, hoping that the day would pass quickly. Mercifully the day flew by and the amount of homework they had was limited to one or two classes.

She was to meet her project partners at the large library downtown after school ended. Yuuki had to skip archery practice today which she was not happy about because of her off session this morning but this assignment was more important. If she aced this project then that college scholarship was hers, not that she needed it, her family could afford full tuition but Yuuki wanted to prove that she could do things on her own and did not need to rely on her parent's wealth. She was not going to be a leech like her big brother who wanted nothing to do with the family business and simply wanted to sit at home and program computers.

At first the group had focused solely on their topic, then slowly they had drifted towards speaking about other things. Yuuki's mood picked up quite a bit as she sat between Sakura and Ryou, laughing about something ridiculous that Ryou had said. The idea of something so ludicrous brought tears to Yuuki's eyes and she held onto her side as she giggled, attempting to get herself under control so that they would not be kicked out of the library. That was when they decided to go look for books, it was a sort of contest to see who could find the most interesting read. Yuuki had picked out two on science fiction topics that had caught her eye in the new section and set them on the table upon her return. She wasn't sure who had place The Depths on the hard wooden surface but instantly all eyes turned the sleek dark cover with it's lovely cursive letters.

It was like magic, the room darkened and orbs of light surrounded them. Yuuki caught one in her open hands, at first in awe at the warmth it emitted, then it was as if the light was absorbed into her body and she began to glow, pain searing up her arms and snaking through the rest of her being. A scream ripped from her lips as it grew worse and the light turned to a darkness so thick it seemed to swallow Yuuki whole. Only one thought occupied her mind and it was whether her friends were going through the same thing, the terrible pain that felt as though your body was being ripped apart and put back together.

Then it was over. Everything was still and a light snow fell from the sky, Yuuki lay in a field of flowers dusted with the white powder, her body quivering from both the pain and the sudden absence of it. Yuuki reached up to run a hand through her hair, stopping when she felt something odd on top of her head. Yuuki sat up and touched the two things sticking out of her skull, then moved her hands down to confirm her suspicions. Ears; a set of fuzzy ears were poking out of her hair. "I must be dreaming, yes I'm passed out at the library and this is a dream." But Yuuki had never been aware of the fact that she was dreaming before.

"Mirror, I need a mirror." Yuuki stood, brushing frozen water off of herself and stumbling through the field. She stopped when she nearly tripped over a sleeping body; it was a man with long dark hair. He looked familiar but from where Yuuki couldn't quite place it. She stepped over him, wondering why he would be taking a nap in such a place and took a few steps, shivering from the cold. Her school uniform had been replaced by a white yukata the same color as the snow and it did little to protect her from the brittle weather. Yuuki had reached the edge of the field now and was looking at a strange, unfamiliar world. Something brushed against her and Yuuki turned in circles, trying to find what it was. The female grabbed it and yelped, looking at the tail in her hands.

"What the hell!?"