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Houjo, Shihori

"Can we all just shut up and act as a team for once?!"

0 · 1,117 views · located in The Depths

a character in “Beyond the Guise”, as played by StarsNPearls



"Change is always tough. Even for those who see themselves as agents of change, the process
of starting a new thing can cause times
of disorientation, uncertainty and insecurity."

[ YUI | Again ]

Dɪᴀʟᴏɢᴜᴇ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✦ #7A0026 || Tʜᴏᴜɢʜᴛ Cᴏʟᴏʀ ✧ #9D0039



      Shihori Hōjō | 北条 栞; Shihori [栞], meaning "guide or bookmark" in kanji characterization, while Hōjō [北条] bears the meaning of "treasure" and "logic".

      Shōjo; This nickname only began as a joke during her first years in middle school, as Shihori's looks at a younger age had closely favored those of the female heroines on glitterized manga... Yet, the title still outlasts those years of innocent amusement.

      Shiho-rin; The other miko of the Izumo-taisha shrine would often refer to her this way or simply use Onēsan, keyed to her protective demeanor towards them and advanced expertise in the art of mikoism.

      Goddess of Light;What the inhabitants of the God world often address her by with accordance of fully showering the young girl in adoration. It's meaning is as simple as it sounds.

      The Legendary Healing & Light God.


      Eighteen [18].

      Qilin or Kirin; At times dubbed, the Chinese unicorn by the western culture,the Qilin is an East Asian Chimera-like creature of serenity and benevolence. They're often depicted with a close resemblance to deer,with additional scales covering various part of the body and an extended tail: similar to that of an ox's. What mainly catches a onlooker's eye is the fire that calmly engulfs the beast.


      37.5% Korean + 12.5% Russian + 50% Japanese

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why."



      To her personal disliking, Shihori normally stands at a height of 5'3" as a mortal. Entering the depths her stature has accumulated four more inches in height, making her 5'7". However when in her god form, the Kirin, Shihori's structure spans out in a length as long as 10.5 metres. [w/o the attachment of her tail].

      The young reincarnation's frame designates at a balanced 117 lbs. when considering her small stature of 5'3". Now in her god state she weighs near 125 lbs. and in the form of the Kirin, 7,137 lbs.

      Before this sudden disorder, Shihori's hair was the color of dark coffee bean. Entering the depths her hair's common deep brown had changed- every strand similar to the luster and dark tint of obsidian. In the god state, Kirin, it transforms into an ivory white.

      Back at home, Shio's eyes were a dark amber that brought curiosity among peers who didn't know her too well. The multitude of comments and odd compliments that were muttered about her from the lips of individuals were countless. Whether her eyes had contributed to the intimidating aura she gave off or made her more approachable, she's not very fond of them. Now in this ancient world, her hues have grown in vibrancy with a crimson red alike blood spilled from veins and the fires that run over her, in her god-form.

      Shihori's skin tone was a light milky color, hinted with a base of cornsilk tan. Here in the depths, it borrows a blanched almond color and is more susceptible to tanning.

      As a human, Shihori a possessed a svelte frame but somewhat average feminine build accredited to her Kagura tradition. Although most bend their necks downward to hold conversation with her, the shorty carries herself with elongated posture--head held high, her flat chest forward and shoulders pushed back. Despite her smaller, softer features, she generally has a relatively pretty appearance, small bow lips, and a soft cheekbone structure. Her hair was of medium density and tended to grow fast. Swift cut bangs lie just above her eyebrows, casting a slight shade over her eyes. Yet the rest of her hair would generally remain frizzy most of the time, unless she cared to fix the many fly-aways that would array her head daily.

      Shihori's eyes were slightly lighter than most around her, with subtle tinges of tangerine-orange. Though during the right second, if she's sitting beneath the rays of the sun, those orbs behind thick rimmed lashes could amount to a golden-red. Almost bearing resemblance to the blazing fire that would become the color of her eyes as a god.

      Now possessed by the god of Healing and Light, Shihori's features were rewarded with a rather noticeable makeover. More than anything, Shihori's lack of height-in her words or lack thereof- have been healed by four inches. Legs now long and slim, while an additional weight gain mostly resided in her butt... a little on the upper body....However, still two notches away from flat chested. Her strides have become lighter,imitating the delicate walk of the Kirin; Not to tread heavily on blades of grass beneath it.

      When the god takes over, Shihori's human appearance turns into something out of this world-imaginative in a sense. Something you would see on the back pages of a child's doodling book. Her form transforms into a four legged animal with two antlers protruding from the top of the skull and angled backwards, somewhat like a deer. Though the head of the Qilin is similar in appearance to a dragon, that may also spout fire from deep within it's chest. It's coat as white as snow and iridescent scales that coat the chest to the upper belly of the beast. Along with a tail that runs 3782 feet behind it. According to the emotional state of the god that rests inside, the flames that cover the body will intensify or lessen in temperature.

"She may have looked normal on the outside, but she was deliciously complicated on the inside."




      A young girl suddenly submerged into a different life other than the one she'd known before... This is all just a familiar story for Shihori. As the reoccurring challenge of finding her place within new surroundings had made her uncomfortable and quite introverted at first. Which is why its a bit confounding as to how she even became one within this group of friends. However now that they had gotten the newcomer to blossom and showcase her true colors, she's somewhat changed for the better.

      Initially the new girl came off as a bit stand-offish and reluctant to allow anyone a glimpse of her smile. The class clown could crack a joke with a roar of laughs in tow and she wouldn't murmur a thing... Her eyes would remain starring out a window with one hand propped under her chin. At lunch she ate on the rooftop or didn't eat at all to bury herself in the library's literature. But what more did they expect? Well.... Then again, there were some who were ecstatic to meet new people. You could say Shihori was (still is) afraid of change. With a grandmother like Shihori's, you can only come up acting like a lady despite the outside forces you had to endure. So when you add the effect of displacement and a standoffish appearance, without actually asking, she could appear to be stuck up in a sense. After while, this whole lone-wolf and separation from the rest of her peers had become insipid. Why dwell in this negative vibe, when she already had to deal with the deep insecurity of an issue within the walls of her home? Soon enough Shihori desired some kind of interaction and luckily her wish was granted.

      The friendship with her newly found acquaintances was a time enduring process. But though through it all, Shihori now cherishes their company, much alike the times she harbored with her friends in Shimane. And with this, Shihori can be highly possessive of those-who she feels-cares for her enough. If they need anything, she's usually there at the drop of the dime, to assist. Sometimes she places other's needs before her own, daily, and neglects her own needs every once in a while. On the other side of the plane, this could be somewhat of a downfall for her. Nevertheless, if the female is to find out someone's intrinsic motives in using her, things won't be in favor of calm skies and beautiful lights.

      Additionally when things at the time are all chaotic and uncorrected, Shihori's habitual, flattering characteristics seem to fly right out of the door. She becomes a mother lion, authoritative and assured in proving that her intuitions are in search of a benefit for the majority. If one can't seem to agree, she'll most likely disregard them until they give her a valid reason as to why her plan isn't the golden path.

      Sleep - Who doesn't like to sleep?! For Shihori, it's a gateway to the fantasies that she can't grasp in reality. Especially when she's been training herself in lucid dreaming for...'unsaid' reasons. Everyone has their own wants, so give her some privacy.
      The Stars - In her hometown,Shimane, the skies were clear the majority of the time at night. You could spot thousands and thousands of stars in their constellations. However, in Tokyo, her new home, the stars had been wiped away in one swift wave like the rest of her past delights. Though she's always searching for a 'sparkly'/'shiny' effect in objects & liquids.
      Dancing - The one thing that puts her mind at ease and undoubtedly releases most of her stress. Shihori is able to simply concentrate on just balance and energy within the body-forgetting whatever else may prod at her mental well-being. When she dances, you witness the crane truly walking on water and the beauty in silence.
      Peony flowers - Kaede, Shio's mother decorated many bouquets with this flower as the finishing touch. Shihori is well aware that the peony is her mother's favorite flower and she frequently decorates the woman's room with them, to bring about good luck.
      Braiding hair - Shihori and others of the Izumo-taisha shrine's performance ministry would play in one another's hair to pass time. Though a braid or two was more convenient to keep hair out the face before practicing or tending to small chores.

      Recklessness - You never know what pushes someone's buttons. You can never know whether you're offending someone. It's all a mystery; which is why you should hold your tongue before you speak and think before you act.
      High Expectations - Shihori hates that feeling of holding responsibility in 'what could become'. This means any action you make, even accidents could shape your future. Undeniably we all know that time can't be rewound once it's set in stone.
      Medication - All medications have side effects after being taken;some effects are worse than others. But the worse one to be named, is the ingestion. Whether it's herbal or's still a no. Frankly, all medicine tastes like filth to the young female. In order to get the eighteen year old to take some, you'd have to force her or disguise it within her food.
      Physical Affection/ Being touched - its sort of a funny thing with Shihori. One would guess that it depends on her mood, maybe? Though if she trusts you or has a affability towards you more than others, then she'll let the hugging and small stuff slide.
      Feeling helpless - It's such a rotten feeling. There's nothing you can really do about it. It's like having the fruit of life, but giving it to the starving boy in front of you would have him punished for begging. Its when you have such a burning passion...Yet, you can't do anything. Shihori had felt this way ever since her mother was diagnosed. Watching her mother drown in some unexpected sickness had eaten away at Shihori's own faith of a positive outlook. Her mom nor her dad could do nothing more than to keep watching bills run their way and pull her father into endless hours of work. The only thing Shihori could do was hope and remain in school so that she could attend the prestigious Kyoto University.



      Silver-tongued - Able to press sincerity and trustworthiness through her speech, Shihori is naturally gifted in charming those around her. At times she's able to wind the hidden truth up and out of someone before they realize what she's actually doing.
      Traditional dancing/ceremonies - Shihori's grandmother trained her back in the Shimane prefecture, just as her ancestors trained their own children...and frankly, the teen has an outstanding gift and love for her family's specialization. Back in Shimane, the Houjo family took the responsibility of protecting the shrine and throwing honorary ceremonies seasonally.
      Poker face - If she doesn't want you to know what's on her mind at the time, then good luck. However, her deceiving looks become a full 100% only when under pressure. Any other situations with a light-friendly atmosphere will cause her mask to crack in a small laugh or so.
      Shiatsu/Massage - Through her own self-motivation, Shihori has learned a bit of Shiatsu techniques. Books and visually seeing her mother receive some treatments at home had given her some needed experience.

      Insecure - Whether it's because of her height, eye color, or her situation at home.. Shihori does not liked to have her flaws spotlighted for everyone to attack. This could explain why she at least appears to have so much confidence. Half of the time it could be an act.
      Temperamental - When worries accumulate and snowball, Shihori will usually try and hold it in. After while this pent up anger will boil over or tumble off the cliff side, leaving whoever is around to become a victim exposed by these episodes.
      Perfectionist - She won't leave a task undone unless it matches the standards already provided.
      A bit of a Neat freak - Her house is kept clutter-free from the ceiling to the floor. Her principles follow by: 'Place things back where you got them from' and 'What you are surrounded by, is what you become.' Additionally she's highly picky about her own possessions, like her clothing or her hair.
      Soft-hearted - Shihori is a girl of empathy & sympathy. She feels pain for almost anyone, regardless of who they are or what past actions they've made. She personally can't stand to see someone injured or grieving before her and not emit any kind of sincere apology for them.

      Terminal illness - The thought of being infecting with something that can't be cure makes her heart pit in her stomach. It's not anything she sees in the near future, but the diagnosis of her mother's bronchial cancer came out of nowhere.
      Sudden Change - Hopefully it won't happen again, but what she had to endure as a young child-all at once- had scarred her. Things that are too good to be true,usually are.
      Failure - What motivates Shihori in her everyday tasks, happens to be her fear of failure. When she happens to fall low and realizes this, she also drowns into a small state of depression, especially if it's a huge task. 'Failing' in front of someone else, to her, feels like a kick to the gut and it's as if the person who acknowledges it is able hold it against her.

"I don't want to believe, I want to know."



      ✦Radiant Energy/heat Manipulation
      This ability enables Shihori the beneficial advantage of creating,shaping,and bending the energy of electromagnetic radiation. It sounds like an intimidating power to have to dominate, however with time she may truly understand it's concepts & variations;
      -It isn't very useful in combat, but this usage of the power allows Shihori to generate a 'light source' through low levels of concentration. It usually develops as a steady radiance of light, released from her hands.It comes in handy when the supply of hitodama is running low. The only thing is that unlike the hitodama, this generated light also holds radiant heat.When the light is physically touched by others, it can singe clothing and even burn the skin.
      -'Healing Light': Harnessing the power to heal others is risky with this element. It requires a full peace of mind (for the healer and injured) to complete the task and her own health needs to stand at a robust state. Depending on the severity of an injury, it may use more of her energy this way and could exhaust her from the use of her abilities for an extended amount of time. Instead, for the preservation of time she could switch physical states with the injured target and inherit their injuries upon herself which is riskier.
      -'Absolute Light': A variation of her powers in which a complete blanket of light can be created, blinding those around her and inducing headaches temporarily. It takes full mastery to use this defense ability and she's far away from that...
      [!]The use of this ability has to handled with cautious care and rationality. Shihori, if reckless, could potential drain herself of physical energy-resulting in her death. Many other mishaps include the temporary loss of sight, fainting if exhausting the limit of it's use and possibly draining energy from the source she's intending to heal.

      ✦Physical Illusions
      Visual perception. It allows individuals to assimilate information from their surroundings through what is seen through it's visual system. Paired with the sense of touch, they seem to be the two superior perceptions. Noted, only two of the five senses-Touch,taste,sight,sound, and smell. Shihori can bring an individual into a daze if a hitodama lands right onto their nose-blocking the vision of their surroundings and closing them off from reality. An intense covering of white light draws the subject into a 'dream world' of sorts. If the subject is currently in a state of aggression then the images projected before them will usually construct of nightmarish visuals and fears. While if the subjects is in a neutral of calm state, the realistic images are one's greatest dreams. They appear realistic in appearance, though the other three senses of smell,taste, and hearing aren't present in the trance. Once the hitodama flies off of the subject then it's illusion continues, but ending it requires the destruction of the hitodama that landed on the person.
      [!] Shihori is only able to target two people with the trance of the alternate reality. What the target sees is solely based on their own emotions at the time of the fabrication. Repeated use of this can quickly deplete the number of Hitodama that follow Shihori around.

      Hitodama || "Human soul(s)" that have lost their way in passing onto their next lives have followed the Kirin's fire for centuries. These little spirits were endowed upon Shihori, by the god for it's own entertainment. Knowing that she'd be highly agitated and perplexed by their stalking and 'moth-like' forms, it will take some getting use to. Before the God of healing and light was banished, it's own Hitodama simply appeared as glowing orbs with tails that followed behind them. Though now their forms have modified into an appearance that breathes of a more calming air. They're able to carry out small tasks alone, but the larger the quantity against certain tasks would produce speedier results. For example carrying a a lone leaf would need one hitodama; one hundred and seven for lifting a human arm.

      The hitodama can disappear and reappear to their own liking, usually a few will flutter about Shihori's head for attention or even dance in other's line of vision. They emit a soft glow naturally when visible and when provoked, they tend to glow brighter in an agitated swarm.

「She use to admire the migration of the flocks in the Shimane prefecture too many times before, when it all seems to be a mockery now.」



      Kaede Houjo| Mother; 35; Sickly & hospital-bound
      Hayato Houjo| Father; 37; Alive
      Akame Inouye| Grandmother; 67; Alive & healthy

      A time once existed where Shihori had not to endure any kind of worries or struggle against any bindings... It all existed within the earlier years of her life, in the mesmerizing hillsides of [島根県] Shimane-ken, Japan. It's where her mother,Kaede was also raised, with much historical preserve and ideal for the youth.It's open areas also held shops,schools,and homes within close proximity of one another. No technology or buzzing white noise interfered with the nature that conquered it's area. Of course street lights, telephone cables, and electricity was needed with this modern age;for Shimane wasn't primitive.It just valued it's customary and cultural aspects opposed to the rush in city life.

      Her mother was an ambitious young woman with her dreams clearly in focus and her confidence steadfast. Whatever she had put her mind to, she found a way to reach that goal, whether it took a day or years. And one thing to prove of her determination was her achievement in becoming a student of the Japan Philharmonic Orchestra. The woman held a place of honor that thousands of musicians internationally would die for.She was funded by the orchestra to attend a university in Shibuya that was considerably distant from her hometown. Accepting the offer would separate her from her widowed mother, Akame Inouye. But with her mother's consent Kaede made her decision and took a daring leap into her set future.

      Within her second year of college and working as a musician for the Philharmonic Orchestra, Kaede had met her soulmate,Hayato. Destiny's match for her. When they saw each other every day in the study hall it was butterflies-No, no. It was the whole zoo. Consequent to many of their rendezvous, Hayato and Kaede had to reroute their lives; A pregnancy test had revealed that another life was going to be of existence. In learning this they were fully aware that sacrifices had to be made, as every parent knows when a child is added to the equation.

      In the spur of things Hayato proposed to Kaede during the pregnancy as suggested by his own parents. After nine months the engaged young couple had given birth to a 6.6 pound baby girl. Shihori, would be her name.


      Fᴀᴄᴇ Cʟᴀɪᴍ ✦ Nase Mitsuki | Kyoukai no Kanata || (Chitanda Eru | Hyouka)

      Pᴏʀᴛʀᴀʏᴇᴅ Bʏ ✧ StarsNPearls

      character basic form © aurei
      modified form ઽ૮૨Α
      edited, modified form Luna Delta; ઽ૮૨Α

So begins...

Houjo, Shihori's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryou Fujimoto Character Portrait: Allure Character Portrait: Fūko Character Portrait: Houjo, Shihori Character Portrait: Sakura Nagashi Character Portrait: Yuuki Hana
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"Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning, just as forgiving does not erase the bitter past. A healed memory is not a deleted memory. Instead, forgiving what we cannot forget creates a new way to remember. We change the memory of our past into a hope for our future... But not everyone sees it that way.

Murder, deceit, pain, anger... These are all temporary cures until one must accept. One must heal.

Maybe it was fate when the young teens opened that book and fell into our world. The Depths. In blinding light, they had dissolved and become part of it. They had intertwined their ancient pasts with their modern lives, which is where we begin.

The land was coated in a fine, white powder of snow, the beauty of the landscape breathe taking as the teens stood on the fresh snow covered flowers. A meadow of pure eternity, some would say. The teens? Well, they had undergone a metamorphosis of their own.

At last, the 'heroes' have come!

And of the Gods being deceived? And the truest victim of all?

The Goddess of Ice and the God of War decided to embark on a stroll, the God of Misfortune, the God of Temptation, and the Goddess of the Sun and Moon staying behind within the village grounds, going about their day. "

The First Day


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ryou Fujimoto Character Portrait: Houjo, Shihori Character Portrait: Sakura Nagashi Character Portrait: Yuuki Hana Character Portrait: Jin Himura
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  1. by Anonymous

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The day had started normally, Yuuki had gotten up and showered in the hottest temperature her body could withstand, then had gone out to the backyard to practice her shooting. Her groupings were fine, but she was off today and it bugged Yuuki as she polished off her breakfast and finished last night's homework. She had a project due and was meeting with her partners after school today, it was for a final grade but their topic was something so boring that Yuuki figured it would take all of their brainpower to figure out how to make this an interesting presentation. Yuuki grabbed her school bag and slung it over her shoulder, adjusting the bow on her uniform before running out the door to meet the bus. "Shit, I'm gonna be late." Yuuki checked her watch and began to run to the street corner where she hoped the bus would still be waiting. Yuuki reached it just as the doors were closing and the driver opened them back up to allow Yuuki onto the yellow monstrosity with its pungent smell of student body odor and broken green leather seats. Yuuki sat down on a bench that was not occupied and closed her eyes, hoping that the day would pass quickly. Mercifully the day flew by and the amount of homework they had was limited to one or two classes.

She was to meet her project partners at the large library downtown after school ended. Yuuki had to skip archery practice today which she was not happy about because of her off session this morning but this assignment was more important. If she aced this project then that college scholarship was hers, not that she needed it, her family could afford full tuition but Yuuki wanted to prove that she could do things on her own and did not need to rely on her parent's wealth. She was not going to be a leech like her big brother who wanted nothing to do with the family business and simply wanted to sit at home and program computers.

At first the group had focused solely on their topic, then slowly they had drifted towards speaking about other things. Yuuki's mood picked up quite a bit as she sat between Sakura and Ryou, laughing about something ridiculous that Ryou had said. The idea of something so ludicrous brought tears to Yuuki's eyes and she held onto her side as she giggled, attempting to get herself under control so that they would not be kicked out of the library. That was when they decided to go look for books, it was a sort of contest to see who could find the most interesting read. Yuuki had picked out two on science fiction topics that had caught her eye in the new section and set them on the table upon her return. She wasn't sure who had place The Depths on the hard wooden surface but instantly all eyes turned the sleek dark cover with it's lovely cursive letters.

It was like magic, the room darkened and orbs of light surrounded them. Yuuki caught one in her open hands, at first in awe at the warmth it emitted, then it was as if the light was absorbed into her body and she began to glow, pain searing up her arms and snaking through the rest of her being. A scream ripped from her lips as it grew worse and the light turned to a darkness so thick it seemed to swallow Yuuki whole. Only one thought occupied her mind and it was whether her friends were going through the same thing, the terrible pain that felt as though your body was being ripped apart and put back together.

Then it was over. Everything was still and a light snow fell from the sky, Yuuki lay in a field of flowers dusted with the white powder, her body quivering from both the pain and the sudden absence of it. Yuuki reached up to run a hand through her hair, stopping when she felt something odd on top of her head. Yuuki sat up and touched the two things sticking out of her skull, then moved her hands down to confirm her suspicions. Ears; a set of fuzzy ears were poking out of her hair. "I must be dreaming, yes I'm passed out at the library and this is a dream." But Yuuki had never been aware of the fact that she was dreaming before.

"Mirror, I need a mirror." Yuuki stood, brushing frozen water off of herself and stumbling through the field. She stopped when she nearly tripped over a sleeping body; it was a man with long dark hair. He looked familiar but from where Yuuki couldn't quite place it. She stepped over him, wondering why he would be taking a nap in such a place and took a few steps, shivering from the cold. Her school uniform had been replaced by a white yukata the same color as the snow and it did little to protect her from the brittle weather. Yuuki had reached the edge of the field now and was looking at a strange, unfamiliar world. Something brushed against her and Yuuki turned in circles, trying to find what it was. The female grabbed it and yelped, looking at the tail in her hands.

"What the hell!?"